Goal 4: Financial Strength
Reinforce the Tech's financial position in support of the strategic plan initiatives.
Financial sustainability is vital to the ongoing success and strength of Tech. A healthy and substantial endowment, growing annual fund, and crucial support from foundations and corporate partners will continue to provide not only crucial resources to expand our mission, but to make certain Tech’s energy and ability to fund the strategic priorities outlined in this document.
We seek to take Tech beyond just the next level – to increase student access, expand curricular offerings, bolster faculty and staff compensation and benefits, and boldly improve the physical campus buildings. To achieve these goals, it will require the entire community to come together in spirit, love, and generosity, and secure the resources necessary to elevate the Tech experience – for our students, faculty, alumni, and extended Tech family.
And we will…
- Design a comprehensive capital campaign to fund the priorities as presented in the Strategic Vision.
- Embark on a thorough examination of budgeting processes and procedures to ensure continued fiscal discipline and responsibility.
- Develop and implement a forward-thinking alumni relations program that allows for the meaningful engagement between alumni and the school.
- Solidify the Tech Fund as a sustained, reliable source of consistent revenue to support the annual operational costs of the school.
- Emphasize all methods of giving to Tech, including legacy (estate) gifts, gifts of stocks and securities, and non-financial contributions.
- Increase our enrollment through a full strategic marketing and communications plan, and explore the feasibility of a move toward co-education.
- Establish parent programming, rooted in our shared faith and values, that provides support for the entire family structure.